Phan Quang Hoàng

Specializing in mobile development with expertise in various technologies

About Me

As a passionate programmer specializing in mobile development. With my solid analytical and technical skills, I have gained substantial experience in this field.

Throughout my career, I have achieved remarkable milestones in mobile development. My expertise includes working with various technologies, from cross-platform solutions like Flutter, React Native, Xamarin/MAUI, to native apps developed using Swift and Kotlin.



Mobile Development

We specialize in mobile app development using technologies from cross-platform to native apps such as Flutter, React Native, Xamarin/MAUI, Swift, and Kotlin. Whether you need a simple app or a complex mobile application, we have the experience and expertise to create innovative and user-friendly solutions for your business.

Cross-platform app development
Native app development (Swift, Kotlin)
User-friendly and innovative solutions

UI/UX Design

We understand the importance of a visually appealing and intuitive user interface. Our team of experienced designers will work closely with you to create stunning UI/UX designs that enhance the overall user experience of your mobile applications. From wireframes to mockups, we ensure that every aspect of your app’s design is carefully crafted and aligned with your brand identity.

Visually appealing UI designs
Intuitive user experience
Alignment with brand identity

Automate Mobile Development Process

Streamline your mobile app development with our automation service. Save time and effort by automating repetitive tasks and focus on building amazing apps.

Efficiently test your mobile app with automated testing tools
Integrate code changes and build your app automatically with continuous integration
Easily deploy your app to major app stores with automated app store deployment

Featured Work

Duncan Solutions

Jago Banking

Jobhopin AI


Fast Nail



Let’s Get Started on Your Next Project


Võ Thị Nhờ Street, Tân Thuận Đông Ward, District 7, Hồ Chí Minh City



+84-939 756 991

Contact Us

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